Tag: wellbeing
Circle of Connections: Family & I
In collaboration with the Wellbeing Movement, we held space for a conversation around family. The Circle of Connection is curated by the Wellbeing Movement where people come together to reflect, share, listen, support, and be supported in our journeys. The circle which met on 12 Nov, discussed Family and I. The primary lines of inquiry…
Reflections of our 1st Family Retreat, March 2022
Our first ever family retreat happened on March 12, 13, 2022. Five families joined us for the retreat. From being total strangers to becoming a community, these two days showed us the power of intentions, love, and courage. We all stayed in the quiet, rustic, natural setting at Shri Anand Niketan. The sattvik food replenished…
Embracing Regenerative Living: Community of Practice
As a follow up to our Nurturing Zone session, we wanted to create a community of practice engagement to embrace regenerative living. A regenerative mindset could help us focus on the holistic wellbeing of ourselves, our community, and our environment. Shifting mindsets become possible by building positive habits, one day at a time. More positive…
Reflecting on the Tiru Nature Camp 2021
Our first nature Camp was an exciting experience for us the hosts as well as for the children. The core focus of the camp was to promote the idea of learning from nature. Our days began with prayer and circle time. Prayer allows us to center our minds and come into the space with all…