Our Premise

Our Premise

As individuals we constantly find ourselves at the crossroads trying to decide which path to choose, how to live, whom to love, why pursue a task, what goals to set. Some of these decisions come easy but some challenge us. How does one draw the confidence to navigate these uncertainties, and lead an authentic life?

The phrase Inner Companion highlights the power and the wisdom we carry within each one of us to navigate the complexities of life. The deeper we are in touch with our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, values, and priorities, the better we are equipped to navigate these crossroads. To tap into one’s own wisdom, passed down through generations, requires conscious practice, awareness, and effort. 

We believe that if we find our inner companion, we will be able to live intentionally, love unconditionally, and feel deeply. Finding the inner companion requires deep, inner transformation, to connect with our authentic selves. By deepening connection with ourselves, we understand why we do what we do, why we feel a certain a way, and what our needs are. We are able to embrace our whole being and accept ourselves for who we are. 

We are able to connect with others more easily, and more genuinely. We find ourselves a part of nature, and not apart from nature. Thus we reconnect with the nature around us, and with others we cohabit this world. This interconnection then allows us to create a better place for our children and the generations to come. 

Inner Companion Ecoversity is an offshoot of our mothership Recenter. Drawing from the word University, Ecoversity here represents a higher education initiative, built around an ecosystem, from an ecological perspective; as opposed to a singular, limited, unitary perspective.

There is an increasing opportunity for those who have young children to pursue alternative schooling/homeschooling avenues. However, there is a dearth of such initiatives in the higher education space, particularly in India. With ICE we provide continued alternative learning opportunities for young adults (18-25).

Teach yourself, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.

~ Swami Vivekananda

The seed of our work was sown when we were introduced to this quote as young adults. Recenter is the tree that has resulted from nurturing this seed with great love, and care.